The Constitution of the Four Wheelers of Michigan Tech
Last Revision: March 4, 2020
Article I: Name and Insignia
Our club logo/insignia is hereby officially declared and recognized above:
Article II: Aims and Objectives of this Organization
The objectives of this club shall be:
To promote the safe and non-destructive use of four-wheel drive and two-wheel drive vehicles.
To share knowledge in the maintenance of four-wheel drive and two-wheel drive vehicles.
To aid law enforcement officials in the search and rescue of lost individuals.
Article III: Membership
Voting membership shall be granted to those persons who:
Have paid their membership dues.
Are registered students at Michigan Technological University.
Officer membership shall be granted to those persons who:
Have been voted to one of the officer positions in Article V by voting members according to Article VIII.
Meet the requirements for student organization officers set forth by the Undergraduate Student Government.
Associate membership shall be granted to those persons who:
Have paid their membership dues.
Are not registered students of Michigan Technological University or faculty members.
All non-officer members shall pay dues as set in the club by-laws.
In compliance with Michigan Technological University’s Board of Trustees Equal Opportunity Policy effective February 24, 2011, the Association will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, height, weight, genetic information or marital status. In addition, the organization is committed to the policy of not discriminating against disabled individuals or veterans.
Active members are voting members who attend club meetings on a regular basis. If a member is in question of being active, a majority vote of the officers present will decide the member in questions status.
Article IV: Termination of Membership
This club reserves the right to terminate members on the grounds of:
Violation of the Constitution.
Unsafe conduct on outings.
Bringing dishonor to the club’s name or reputation.
A member may be removed from the club by a two thirds majority vote of the active members at a regular meeting of the organization.
Any person whose membership has been terminated due to any of the above conditions shall at no time be granted reinstatement.
Article V: Officers
There shall be seven elected officers of the club who are students registered with Michigan Technological University. These officers include:
President: The President shall conduct meetings and appoint special committees.
Vice President: The Vice President shall carry out the President’s duties in his/her absence and shall be in charge of organizing outings.
Secretary: The Secretary shall carry out all the club’s official correspondence and record the minutes of all club meetings, and reserve the meeting room for regular meetings.
Treasurer: the Treasurer shall collect the dues of club members and keep records of club funds.
Public Relations: The Public Relations Officer shall aid in the organization of public events such as Carnival Games, Cleanup Run, Fall Bog, etc.
Equipment Manager: The Equipment Manager shall be responsible for the control and upkeep of all club tools or any other club property.
Web Master: The Web Master shall manage the club webpage, forum, and Involvement Link, including updating with new pictures, member lists, etc.
Officers shall be elected during the second half of the spring semester, and will take office the meeting during Spring exam week. Officers will serve for a one year period. All officers must meet the requirements set forth by the Undergraduate Student Government.
If the office of President is vacated during a term of office, the Vice President will assume that office, and an election will be held to fill the office of Vice President.
If any other office is vacated during a regular term of office, an election will be held at the next regular meeting to fill the vacated position.
A faculty/staff member shall be chosen by the club for its advisor, and recommended for appointment by the Dean of Students.
Any officer may be removed from office if proof of violation of the Constitution is obtained. A majority vote of 2/3 of the active members is necessary for removal.
If an officer resigns or is removed from office, he/she is still considered a member of the club unless the active voting members decide to remove the individual from the organization.
Article VI: Meetings
Meetings shall be held weekly, at a specified time and room stated in the by-laws. A regular meeting time will be set during the first club meeting of the school year.
A special club meeting may be called at the discretion of the President and the club officers, by a majority vote of the active members, or by petition to the club advisor.
All elections, rules, and decisions except amendments shall pass with a simple majority vote at any regular meeting conducted with a quorum of active voting members in attendance. A quorum shall consist of one half of the current active voting members.
Article VII: Organized Outings
In order for an outing to be classified as an official club outing it must meet at least one of the following requirements:
Be decided upon at a regular club meeting
Be approved by the club officers, and made known to the club by phone or email.
Article VIII: Voting
All voting shall be by show of hands or by secret ballot if requested. Voting by proxy shall be allowed if arranged with the Secretary prior to an official club vote.
Officers are considered voting members, with the exception of the president, who shall only cast a vote in the event of a tie.
Article IX: Constitution
A majority of all active members is required for ratification of a new Constitution.
It will take effect when approved by the Office of Student Activities.
The Constitution can be amended only at a regular club meeting and a vote on the amendments shall take place not less than one week or more than four weeks after the amendment was proposed at a regular meeting.
The amendment must receive a majority vote of the active voting members to carry.
it will take effect when approved by Student Activities.
A set of by-laws is needed for the Four Wheelers at MTU so that rules, regulations, and membership dues can be changed without amending the constitution.
Items that will be changed more than once in 5 years should be addressed in the club by-laws.
A majority vote of all active members is needed for adapting the club by-laws.
A majority vote of all active voting members is required to amend or change the club by-laws.
Club by-laws may only be adopted or changed at regular club meetings.
Club by-laws will take effect when approved by the Office of Student Activities.